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Coding Automation Toolkit - How It Works

It's Not Guesswork

Unlike other Natural Language Processing technologies, the Coding Automation Toolkit relies far more on database cross-checks than statistical models. Technically, CAT is a Finite State Machine that can evolve from day to day to reflect the most meticulous changes in medical terminology, specific organizational procedures, and regulatory guidelines. Rather than employing heuristics, CAT runs on comprehensive, accurate databases trained from millions of real medical transcriptions. If a patient observation occurs outside CAT's experience, it throws an alert to ask for human interpretation which in turn enlarges its knowledge base.

Processing & Output

When processed, each patient encounter record is verified through an array of cross-related databases and then presented in the conventions most preferred by coders, providers, and payers. Every record is highlighted with the colored codes desired by each organization, with all pertinent elements compiled, separated, and saved in a spreadsheet or converted into CDA files for importing directly into an EMR. Each transcript is then analyzed for service levels provided, with a dashboard showing every step to geographically approved reimbursement sums per CMS guidelines.


CAT is a standalone, maximally flexible application. It can communicate directly to an EMR via HL7 interfaces or be cloud-configured if desired. Unless otherwise required, patient encounter records need not be recorded on NBC servers, making CAT the most secure data solution currently available. On-premise installation takes mere seconds, all versions of Microsoft Windows are supported and there are no requirements for hardware, software, or network configuration. All interactions with CAT are accessed intuitively by mouse clicks and no off-site training, user manuals or reference volumes are required.

Sample Medical Record

Prior to CAT Code Extraction Post CAT Code Extraction

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The customer support/service is by far the best and most reliable I have ever dealt with. Superior!

Maureen Wardell
North American Transcription Company