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Coding Automation Toolkit - Supported Codes

Code Extraction

CAT analyzes medical documents against a daily-updated array the following coding conventions plus a listing of close alternatives:

     CDT - Current Dental Terminology
     CPT - Current Procedural Terminology
     HCPCS - Health Care Procedure Coding System ("Hick-Picks")
     ICD9-V1 - International Classification of Diseases, volume 1
     ICD9-V3 - International Classification of Diseases, volume 3
     ICD10-CM - International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification
     ICD10-PCS - International Classification of Diseases, Procedure Coding System
     MODS - Procedure Code Modifiers
     NDC - National Drug Codes

ICD9 vs. ICD10

Transition into ICD-10 presents a serious challenge to medical organizations. The number of diagnoses codes grew from about 13,000 in ICD-9 to over 68,000 in ICD-10, the terminology has been modernized, there has been a significant increase in the specificity of the reporting, with no clear mapping between ICD-9 and ICD-10.

Our Coding Automation Tool solves the complex issue of transitioning from ICD-9 into ICD-10 by providing BOTH codes for every diagnosis and procedure found within the medical document. In addition, it provides the description of each code according to ICD standards, and it is also capable of generating a list of alternatives.

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Felix A Evangelist, MD